Haomei tread plate > Haomei News > How do I choose aluminum tread plate

How do I choose aluminum tread plate

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    The embossed tread plate is often used in daily life, for example, for households, auto parts, machines.
    Tread plate with perfect surface and slip resistance which also named anti slip aluminum plate/diamond aluminum plate is one metal channel which is embossed different patterns or punched various shapes and holes. Their materials can be serious steel, stainless steel and aluminum. Different surface patterns and shapes provide the high slip resistance, and it can avoid the injuring to people in industry and commerce.So the embossed tread plate is often used in daily life, for example, for households, auto parts, machines.

    On the other hand,Because its punched holes and surfaces, perforated tread plate features self cleaning, self draining, high slip resistance and high load capacity. It is applied for platform, mezzanines, rooftop walkways, crossover bridge, etc.
    So,how do I choose aluminum tread plate?
    If the tread plate is used for decorating, protecting, and cleaning, you should choose thin stainless steel or aluminum tread plate. Because the stainless steel and aluminum has a perfect surface, and less thicker plate is economical and light to handle. For example, decorating reception, bar, ceiling; protecting wall and wall corner, doors, fish tank; and cleaning cold room, dishwasher.
    If tread plate is used for where required high slip resistance, such as stairway, flooring, ramp, you should choose the much thicker tread plate with more bars, for example, 5 bars diamond aluminum tread plate. Because the thicker plate can load high capacity, and the more bars can improve the slip resistance feature.
    If there is much waste and the weather condition is often heavy, you should choose stucco tread plate with large holes and high slip resistance. The large holes can make the waste and raining away quickly. For example, perforated-O safety grating.
    If it is used for oily environment, you can choose the high slip resistance tread plate. The high slip resistance tread plate can make your step grasp stably the plate and reduce the injuring. For example, the diamond safety grating.